
Steph Lentz – The Unbound Lesbian

Episode Summary

This is a story of finding you sexuality within a conservative environment.

Steph was born into a family with mixed Christian traditions but didn’t experience intense devotion. As she found herself in a more dedicated Christian environment, the church provided answers to her big life questions and a sense of belonging.

We delved into the conservative nature of the Sydney Anglicans and its surprising impact on her. Steph shared the internalised messages from the strict church. Especially regarding gender and sexuality, and discussed her journey questioning her sexuality amid indoctrination. Teaching at a private Christian school felt like being at church daily. She reflected on her personal relationship with God, her struggle with sexuality while married to a man, and the pressure on women to marry. Steph recounted finding her sexuality, leaving the church, and making headlines in Australia.

We explored the emotional impact of loved ones prioritising theology over her humanity, her experience navigating media and trauma, and writing her book “In/Out.” Steph discussed her current spirituality and joy, her un-policed identity, and offered advice to those new to their deconstruction journey.

My Thoughts

I loved Steph’s book! I related so much to Steph’s story, particularly with the conservative nature of the church she was involved in. The themes of belonging, purpose, curiosity, betrayal, and abandonment are profound, they stuck such a chord for me, and I know that people will benefit from hearing and reading her story. The voices of those who come out later in life are needed in this space.

More About Steph

Steph Lentz is a former advertising writer and secondary school teacher. She came to public attention in 2021 after she was sacked from her job as a teacher because of her sexuality. Steph is based in Sydney. She released her debut memoir titled ‘In/Out: A scandalous story of falling into love and out of the church’ in 2023.

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