
Relationship Killers: From Unspoken Expectations to Keeping Score

Relationships are complex and require constant effort and communication to thrive. Unfortunately, certain behaviours and attitudes can slowly poison the bond between partners. Unspoken expectations, avoidance, needing to be right, a superiority mentality, reactivity and impatience, withholding truth and love, ignoring bids for connection, micro-managing and control, demands instead of invitations, betrayals of trust, and keeping score are all relationship killers that, if left unaddressed, can deteriorate even the strongest partnerships.

In this blog, we will explore these relationship killers and emphasise the importance of recognising and actively working on them, both within ourselves and with our partners.

Unspoken Expectations

Unspoken expectations are silent killers that often lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Assuming that your partner should know what you want or need without expressing it can create a toxic environment. Instead, practice open and honest communication to avoid unnecessary conflicts and disappointment.


Avoiding difficult conversations or sweeping issues under the rug can lead to a breakdown in trust and emotional disconnection. Confronting issues head-on, even when uncomfortable, allows for growth and deeper understanding within the relationship.

The Need To Be Right

The need to be right can create a power struggle between partners, hindering effective communication and problem-solving. Cultivating a mindset of collaboration rather than competition can foster a healthier and more harmonious relationship.

A Superiority Mentality

A superiority mentality can manifest as condescension, belittling, or dismissing your partner’s thoughts and feelings. It erodes the foundation of respect and equality necessary for a thriving partnership. Embrace empathy and practice active listening to create a space where both partners feel valued and heard.

Reactivity and Impatience

Reacting impulsively and impatiently to your partner’s actions or words can escalate conflicts and damage emotional intimacy. Cultivating patience and responding thoughtfully can help diffuse tense situations and foster understanding.

Withholding Truth and Love

Withholding your truth and love can create emotional distance and a lack of vulnerability within the relationship. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and affection openly can cultivate deeper emotional connection and trust.

Ignoring Bids for Connection

Bids for connection are subtle attempts by your partner to engage and connect with you emotionally. Ignoring or dismissing these bids can lead to emotional disconnection. Being attentive and responsive to your partner’s bids fosters a sense of closeness and intimacy.

Micro-Managing and Control

Micro-managing and exerting control over your partner’s choices and actions can lead to resentment and a loss of autonomy. Trusting your partner’s abilities and allowing for individual growth and decision-making promotes a healthier dynamic.

Demands Instead of Invitations

Making demands instead of extending invitations can create a sense of obligation and resentment within the relationship. Learning to express your needs and desires as invitations allows your partner to respond willingly and fosters a sense of partnership.

Betrayals of Trust

Betrayals of trust, whether big or small, can erode the foundation of a relationship. Rebuilding trust requires open communication, transparency, and a commitment to forgiveness and growth.

Keeping Score

Keeping score in a relationship involves holding onto past grievances and using them as ammunition during conflicts. This behaviour creates a toxic cycle of resentment, where partners constantly tally up each other’s mistakes and shortcomings. Instead of keeping score, strive for forgiveness, understanding, and open communication. Acknowledging hurt and processing of past grievances allows for growth and healing within the relationship.

Recognising and actively working on these relationship killers is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. It is important to understand that these behaviours can exist within ourselves as well as in our partners. By taking responsibility for our own actions and attitudes, we can create a positive ripple effect within the relationship.

Relationship Therapy

Engaging in relationship therapy can be an invaluable tool in addressing and overcoming these destructive patterns. A trained therapist can provide a safe and supportive environment where both partners can explore their individual and shared dynamics. Therapy offers guidance and strategies to improve communication, foster empathy, and rebuild trust. By actively addressing these relationship killers, couples can create a foundation of trust, communication, and love that will withstand the test of time. Open and honest communication, practicing empathy and active listening, and fostering emotional connection are vital components of a healthy and thriving partnership.

Remember, no relationship is perfect, and conflicts are bound to arise. However, it is how we handle these conflicts and repair them that truly matters. By recognising and actively working on these relationship killers, we can create a stronger, more resilient bond that grows and flourishes over time.

You can reach out for relationship therapy by using this contact form.