
My Love Letter To The LGBTQIA+ Community – Pride 2024

As we come to a close for Pride 2024, I wanted to jot down some thoughts and encouragement for my fellow community.

To the Queer people in churches..

I know that being part of a faith community can be incredibly challenging. The messages you receive might make you feel like you don’t belong, that your identity is at odds with your faith.

Please hear this: your spirituality and your identity are NOT mutually exclusive.

You are a MAGNIFICENT expression of love and diversity, and you have every right to your faith just as much as anyone else.

You are NOT ALONE, and there is a growing number of allies within faith communities who are fighting for INCLUSIVITY and acceptance.

To ALL Queer people..

You are ACCEPTED for your whole and beautiful self, you BELONG here in this world and your voice is needed.

You deserve KINDNESS and LOVE from those around you.

I hope you find your COMMUNITY to build you up and to counteract the hate. My hope is that VISIBILITY increases and you see people like you represented and celebrated.

I am SO sorry that the world we live in continues to tell you that you are not enough. That who you are is wrong and that you need to change the innermost parts of yourself.

Please know that these people are WRONG. I hope you find ways to drown out the hatred and stay SAFE.

In a world that wants you to conform to broken and exclusionary ideals and structures. I hope you are able to choose your own path, and create your own narrative.

The world is better, richer, and more vibrant because you are in it.

Come and say hello over on Insta – I love connecting with people @anchoredcounsellingservices

I have been where you are. If you would like to read more about my own story; you can download it here.