
Let’s Talk About Spiritual Coercive Control

What is Coercive Control?

Coercive control refers to a pattern of behaviour used by an individual to dominate, manipulate, and exert power over another person in an intimate or close relationship. It involves various tactics aimed at undermining the victim’s autonomy, freedom, and sense of self-worth. These tactics can include psychological, emotional, financial, and sometimes physical and sexual abuse. Coercive control often occurs gradually over time, making it challenging for the victim to recognise the abusive nature of the relationship.

So, what is Spiritual Coercive Control?

Spiritual coercive control is a form of psychological manipulation that exploits individuals’ religious or spiritual beliefs to exert control over them. This control can manifest in various ways, including dictating how one should behave, think, or feel based on religious doctrine, and using threats of spiritual consequences for disobedience.

What does this look like?

Perpetrators of spiritual coercive control employ a range of tactics to maintain their authority and influence over others. Including:

  • Guilt-Tripping: Manipulating individuals into feeling guilty or ashamed for not adhering to specific religious standards or expectations.
  • Fear-Mongering: Using fear tactics, such as threats of divine punishment or eternal damnation, to instill obedience and compliance.
  • Isolation: Encouraging or enforcing isolation from friends, family, or other support networks outside of the religious or spiritual community. This makes it more difficult for individuals to seek help or perspective from others.
  • Manipulation of Scripture: Twisting or misinterpreting religious texts to justify the leader’s authority or to reinforce their control over followers.

The Impact of this Control

The impact of spiritual coercive control can be profound and long-lasting. Victims may experience a range of negative effects, including:

  • Emotional Harm: Feelings of confusion, guilt, shame, and worthlessness resulting from manipulation and control tactics.
  • Psychological Trauma: Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health issues may arise from prolonged exposure to coercive tactics. This often leads to the suppression of individual autonomy.
  • Social Isolation: Being cut off from friends, family, and support networks outside of the controlling environment is common. This can lead to profound feelings of loneliness and alienation.
  • Loss of Identity: Individuals struggle to maintain a sense of self and personal autonomy. Their beliefs, behaviours, and even thoughts are dictated by the controlling authority.

What should we look out for?

Some common signs include:

  • Excessive Demands for Loyalty: Leaders may demand unwavering loyalty and obedience from their followers, discouraging questioning or dissent.
  • Secrecy and Isolation: Followers are often encouraged to keep their interactions and activities within the group secret from outsiders. This further isolates them from alternative perspectives and people.
  • Manipulation of Scripture: Leaders may selectively interpret religious texts to support their authority and control over followers. Often promoting a distorted and extreme version of religious teachings.
  • Shunning or Ostracising: Individuals who question or challenge the leader’s authority can be ostracised, shunned, or punished, and this further reinforces compliance and silence within the community.

Seeking Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing spiritual coercive control, it’s crucial to reach out for support. This can include talking to a trusted friend, seeking guidance from a therapist experienced in religious trauma, or contacting support organisations for assistance.

I offer therapy for religious trauma worldwide (except US & Canada). If you would like to reach out you can do so with this Contact Form and please feel free to ask about any questions or concerns.

If you are in the US & Canada, you can find someone in your state here – https://www.traumaresolutionandrecovery.com/