
Finding Purpose and Identity: Navigating the Overwhelming Pressure to Fit an Ideal

In the film “Barbie,” the song “What Was I Made For” beautifully encapsulates the journey of self-discovery and the quest for purpose and identity. While the movie serves as inspiration, I want to delve deeper into the universal theme of finding purpose. Specifically, exploring the overwhelming pressure for women, to fit an ideal.

The Weight of Expectations

As women, we often find ourselves bombarded with expectations, whether it be in our appearance, career choices, or personal lives. The pressure to conform to a predefined ideal can be suffocating, leaving us feeling inadequate and lost. It’s then the question of “What was I made for?” echoes, as we grapple with the overwhelming weight of expectations. We cant talk about this topic and movie without America Ferrara’s incredible monologue.

The relentless pursuit of fitting an ideal can be debilitating. It can cloud our judgment, dampen our self-esteem, and hinder our ability to recognize our true passions and talents. The constant comparison and the fear of not measuring up creates a sense of paralysis, leaving us questioning our identity.

As the song “What Was I Made For” poignantly expresses. “I’ve been trying to find my place, but the pressure’s got me feeling misplaced. Can’t keep pretending anymore, gotta find what I’m made for.”

Navigating the Journey

In our quest for purpose and identity, it’s essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each of us has a unique path to discover, and it’s in embracing our individuality that we can find fulfilment. Instead of succumbing to the pressure to fit an ideal, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing ourselves to explore our passions, interests, and values.

As Barbie’s friend tells us “Maybe it’s not about being perfect, but about being true to who you are. Your purpose will unfold as you embrace your uniqueness.”

To find our purpose, we must let go of the notion that we have to conform to societal expectations. Embracing our authenticity means celebrating our strengths, accepting our imperfections, and honouring our unique journey. It’s through this self-acceptance that we can uncover our true calling and create a life that aligns with our values and aspirations.

Personal Reflection

Personally, I have experienced the overwhelming pressure to fit an ideal, it came from all directions including from within. It came in droves from the church and how I was to appear to the world. Ensuring that you have your inner strength (which should only come from Jesus) shown to the world but you also need to appear modest, delicate and feminine. Make sure you always have an answer for your faith but don’t ask questions and don’t speak up too much. You need ensure that you remain faithful and submissive to the leaders (men) around you. Love who you are because you are God’s creation but also hate who you are because you are a fallen sinful human.

It came from outside the church in secular society, and from myself; the weight of who I should and shouldn’t be left me feeling lost and disconnected from my true self. I had no idea who I was; who I wanted to be in the world – the dissonance was visceral.

However, as I began to question the expectations imposed upon me and the doctrine I was following. I realised that my journey towards finding my purpose was deeply intertwined with embracing my authentic self. It required me to let go of external validation and listen to my inner voice, allowing my passions and values to guide me towards a path that felt true to who I am.

When in doubt, imagine Barbie whispering this reminder in your ear “I may not have all the answers, but I know that the journey towards finding my purpose starts with embracing who I truly am.”