
Embracing Authentic Spirituality

In a world filled with diverse spiritual practices and beliefs, it can be challenging to navigate the delicate balance between personal faith and the yearning for a deeper connection to our innate spirituality. For many, religious doctrine can create a conflict, forcing us to neglect our connection the spiritual and mystical. I want to share my personal journey of breaking free from the limitations of high control religion.

The Psychological Impact

I was taught to fear anything related to witchcraft, spiritual practices, and even certain forms of alternative healing. Allowing the devil or evil spirits into my home and heart was a real threat and instilled skepticism within me. As a result, I had to suppress my curiosity and natural inclination towards exploring the mystical and spiritual realms.

The psychological effect of such harmful doctrine can be profound. It creates internal conflict, guilt, and a constant battle between the desire for spiritual exploration and the fear of divine retribution. This conflict can lead to a sense of disconnection, confusion, and a feeling of being spiritually stifled. It can also hinder personal growth and self-discovery. We are discouraged from questioning or seeking spiritual truths outside of the established religious framework.

Breaking Free

My journey towards embracing an authentic spirituality began with a deep yearning to reconnect with my true self. It required conscious effort to challenge the beliefs and fears instilled in me. To question whether they truly aligned with my own experiences and understanding of the world.

As I delved into the world of authentic spirituality, I discovered a vast array of practices and beliefs. They celebrated the interconnectedness of all things. I found solace in practices such as oracle cards, energy healing, and crystals. These experiences allowed me to tap into my intuition, embrace my inner power, and foster a deep sense of self-acceptance and love.

Embracing authentic spirituality has had a profound positive impact on my life. It provided me a sense of freedom, allowing me to explore my own spiritual path without the fear of judgment. Through this journey, I have gained a greater understanding of myself and the world around me. It has enriched my relationships, and deepened my connection to universe. Ultimately, it has allowed me to cultivate a profound sense of inner peace and fulfilment.

Breaking free from the constraints of harmful doctrine has been an overwhelming, long but transformative journey for me. It allowed me to reclaim my natural connection to all things spiritual, mystical and witchy. To navigate the world with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and open-mindedness. By challenging the limitations, I embarked on a path of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Remember, true spirituality is not about fear or restriction, but about embracing the vastness of our human experience and finding profound connection and meaning in our own unique way.

Contact Me

To connect on social media; I live mostly over on Instagram.

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