
Colours of Connection – Insights from an Art Therapist

Who is Emma?

Emma Nelson is Mum, wife and friend first. Therapist and helper second. She runs an Art Therapy practice called Zen Zebra Art Therapy and is a lover of all things cake and cheese however not cheesecake.

Episode Summary

  • Emma shares about what her art therapy space feels like and why she prefers in person work.
  • We chat about how Emma found herself working with this creative modality, and why it was important for her to combine all her gifts.
  • Emma shares who benefits and how the sessions look and feel different between children and adults.
  • We explore the different concerns and presentations that benefit from a creative approach and why talking is not always the best course of action.
  • Emma discusses why a creative approach can be particularly helpful for those who are neurodivergent.
  • I ask Emma what it is like Inside the Therapy Room, discussing that she works quite intuitively and why this works well with creative modalities.
  • We distinguish the difference between art therapy and art as therapy.
  • Emma gives a picture of the different mediums and activities that are involved in art therapy.
  • We talk about the benefit of creativity when we don’t have the language or words for our experiences.
  • We smash the myth’s ‘you need to be an artist to do art therapy’ and ‘you don’t need to connect with your therapist’.
  • And finally, Emma shares where the zebras came from in her practice.