
Behind the Mask: The Magic of Dramatherapy

Who Is Tanya?

Tanya is a Master’s degree qualified and registered Dramatherapist. She undertook her training in England in 2010 and then worked for the UK’s National Health Service for 10 years primarily in child and adolescent mental health. Upon returning to Australia three years ago, she was the Clinical Lead for Victoria for Canteen- a youth charity organisation supporting adolescents and young adults impacted by cancer. In August this year, she decided to branch out into private practice and founded ShortStories Therapy- offering dramatherapy to people of all ages on the Mornington Peninsula. Tanya strongly believes in the impact that creative arts therapies can have for so many people and is committed to raising the profile of dramatherapy here in Australia.

Episode Summary

  • Tanya shares about what Dramatherapy is and how she found herself training in this space.
  • We discuss the delay that Australia has in integrating creative modalities.
  • Tanya dispels the idea that dramatherapy is just for children rather it can be helpful for all ages, including the elderly.
  • We explore the need for a somatic, expressive, and embodied approach for trauma and healing.
  • Tanya discusses how dramatherapy is not just role-playing; including how it can be done in group settings.
  • I ask Tanya why dramatherapy is so powerful and why this gentle approach works.
  • Tanya discusses how this modality can be helpful for working with our inner child.
  • We discuss who this approach is very beneficial for; and who it perhaps would not benefit.
  • I ask what dramatherapy looks like Inside the Therapy Room, how it can be a fun approach and what her favourite activity is.
  • We make the distinction between drama being therapeutic and dramatherapy.
  • Tanya discusses how dramatherapy draws from all the other creative modalities and is great in meeting people where they are at.
  • Finally, Tanya smashes a myth around dramatherapy.